kueller 59444ab6dc V961 Tree Umbau
git-svn-id: svn:// 504e572c-2e33-0410-9681-be2bf7408885
2008-05-03 16:59:23 +00:00

291 lines
9.5 KiB

# sample config file for Yafc -*- sh -*-
# If you plan to save passwords in this file,
# make sure permissions is no more than 0600 (chmod 0600 yafcrc)
# blank lines and text between #'s and EOL are skipped
# boolean values can be specified as 1/0, true/false, yes/no, on/off
# strings must be enclosed in quotes ("" or '') if it contains spaces
# You can include any other file using the 'include' statement
#include ~/.yafc/other_preferences
# set password used for anonymous logins
#anon_password ""
# attempt to login automagically, using login info in bookmarks
autologin on
# attempt to reconnect automatically on timed out connection
autoreconnect on
# quit program if received EOF (C-d)
quit_on_eof yes
# read bookmark entries from ~/.netrc
read_netrc yes
# use passive mode connections
# if false, use sendport mode
# if you get the message "Host doesn't support passive mode", set to false
use_passive_mode yes
# do reverse DNS lookups?
reverse_dns yes
# show some more information (all replies)
verbose off
# print ftp commands sent to server + all replies
debug off
# create trace files
trace off
# path to the SSH program
#ssh_program "/usr/bin/ssh"
# path to the remote sftp-server program
# leave commented to use sftp subsystem (requires ssh > 2.3.0)
#sftp_server_program "/usr/libexec/sftp-server"
# set to true to skip query of remote system on connect
inhibit_startup_syst no
# use environment string to show information
# can be seen in the process list with 'ps'
use_env_string yes
# use tab to complete remote files
remote_completion on
# auto-create a bookmark when connection closed?
auto_bookmark yes # no/yes/ask
# by default, if auto_bookmark is true, non-anonymous passwords are not saved
# anonymous passwords are always saved though
# if auto_bookmark is 'ask', you will be asked whehter to save password or not
# remember: passwords are stored in clear text!!! (well, base64-encoded...)
auto_bookmark_save_passwd NO
# don't print "created bookmark 'foo', bookmarks saved"
auto_bookmark_silent no
# default type for file transfers
# ascii mode not recommended since it can mess up binary files
# see also 'ascii_transfer_mask' below
default_type binary # ...or ascii
# default security machanisms to use, separated with colon
# valid arguments are krb4, krb5 and none
#default_mechanism "krb4:krb5:none"
#default_mechanism krb4
# filenames matching any of these masks are transferred in ascii mode,
# ignoring the value of 'default_type'
# masks are separated by colons (eg. "*.ext1:*.ext2:filename*:")
# can be overridden with the --type option to get/put
# case sensitive
ascii_transfer_mask "README:*.html:*.htm:*.txt"
ascii_transfer_mask "*.dsc:*.lsm:*.md5"
# beep after a 'long' command is finished
beep_after_long_command yes
# number of seconds for command to become 'long'
long_command_time 30
# how long (in seconds) before aborting a command without response
command_timeout 42
# how long (in seconds) before aborting a connection without response
connection_timeout 30
# number of times to try to re-connect if login failed (due to busy server)
# -1 for unlimited number of tries, 0 to disable
connect_attempts 10
# number of seconds to wait between connection attempts
connect_wait_time 30
# save and load history lines in ~/.yafc/history
# (this is a no-op if not compiled with readline)
use_history yes
# max number of history lines to save
# (this is a no-op if not compiled with readline)
history_max 256
# Yafc will cd to this (local) directory upon startup
#startup_local_directory ~/download
# if set, Yafc sends mail to this address when nohup transfers are finished
#nohup_mailaddress someusername@somedomain
# complete path to sendmail used by nohup_mailaddress above
#sendmail_path "/usr/sbin/sendmail"
# load saved taglist on connect to same site?
# if no, taglist will never be saved
load_taglist yes # yes/no/ask
# display ~ instead of full home directory path for various commands
tilde yes
# aliases (on the form [alias name value])
# can't make an alias of another alias
alias dir "ls -lF"
alias ls "ls -F"
alias rels "cache --touch %*; ls -F %*"
alias pls "ls -F %* |$PAGER"
alias bye quit
alias exit quit
alias ? "help"
alias binary "set type binary"
alias ascii "set type ascii"
alias get "get --verbose --preserve"
alias put "put --verbose"
alias rm "rm --verbose"
alias lrm "shell rm"
alias lls "shell ls -F"
alias lmkdir "shell mkdir"
alias lrmdir "shell rmdir"
alias lcat "!cat"
alias zcat "cat --type=binary %* | zcat"
alias bzcat "cat --type=binary %* | bzcat"
alias page "cat --type=ascii %* | $PAGER"
alias zpage "cat --type=binary %* | zcat | $PAGER"
alias bzpage "cat --type=binary %* | bzcat | $PAGER"
alias show_trace "!$PAGER $HOME/.yafc/trace/trace.$PPID"
# ftp prompts
# special codes:
# %u username
# %h remote host name (as passed to open)
# %H %h up to the first '.'
# %m remote machine name (as returned by gethostbyname)
# %M %m up to the first '.'
# %n remote ip number
# %[#]w current remote working directory
# %W basename of %w
# %[#]~ as %w but home directory is replaced with ~
# %[#]l current local working directory
# %% percent sign
# %# a '#' if (local) user is root, else '$'
# %c number of open connections
# %C current connection number
# %{ begin sequence of non-printing chars, ie escape codes
# %} end -"-
# \e escape (0x1B)
# \n newline
# \t tab
# \r carriage return
# \b backspace
# \x## character 0x## (hex)
# [#] means an optional width specifier can be specified
# example: %32w
# you can put escape codes here, for example if you want a colored prompt
# "%{\e[01;31m%}ftp%{\e[0m%}" will be "ftp" in red, if your terminal supports
# ISO 6429 (ANSI) color codes.
# note: the %{ and %} codes are needed for readline to correctly wrap
# lines with embedded escape codes
# (ANSI) Attribute codes:
# 00=none 01=bold 04=underscore 05=blink 07=reverse 08=concealed
# Text color codes:
# 30=black 31=red 32=green 33=yellow 34=blue 35=magenta 36=cyan 37=white
# Background color codes:
# 40=black 41=red 42=green 43=yellow 44=blue 45=magenta 46=cyan 47=white
prompt1 "yafc> " # not connected
prompt2 "yafc %h> " # connected but not logged in
prompt3 "yafc %u@%h:%42~> " # connected and logged in
# Xterm window titles
# same codes as for the prompts above
# see the Xterm-title mini-HOWTO for more information
xterm_title1 "\e]0;yafc\x07" # not connected
xterm_title2 "\e]0;yafc %h\x07" # connected but not logged in
xterm_title3 "\e]0;yafc %u@%h:%~\x07" # connected and logged in
# $TERM's which can handle xterm escape sequences
xterm_title_terms "xterm xterm-debian rxvt"
# transfer status string codes
# these strings are printed with the --verbose option to get/put
# %r - remote filename (actually _source_ filename)
# %R - remote filename w/path (actually _source_ filename)
# %l - local filename (actually _target_ filename)
# %L - local filename w/path (actually _target_ filename)
# %s - size transferred so far
# %S - total size (if available)
# %e - ETA (time left)
# %p - percent transferred
# %% - percent sign
# %b - transfer rate (Bps)
# %B - transfer rate (Bps) or "stalled" if stalled
# %t - time elapsed
# %v - visual progress bar
# %{ - begin sequence of non-printing chars, ie escape codes
# %} - end sequence of non-printing chars
# you can specify an (optional) max width between the '%' and
# the character code
# escape codes are recognized (enclose in %{ and %} pairs)
# this string is printed before the actual transfer begins
#transfer_begin_string "%{\e[32m%}%-70R%{\e[0m%}\n"
transfer_begin_string "%-70R\n"
# this string is printed (approx.) every second or so during the transfer
# with a trailing carriage return
#transfer_string "%-38R [%25v] %B"
#transfer_string "%-35R %s of %S ETA %e %B"
#transfer_string "%5p%% [%{\e[32m%}%25v%{\e[0m%}] %s/%S ETA %{\e[32m%}%e%{\e[0m%} %B"
transfer_string "%5p%% [%25v] %s/%S ETA %e %B"
# this string is printed when the transfer is finished
#transfer_end_string "%-35R %p%% of %S in %t (%b)\n"
transfer_end_string ""
# this string is printed at the same time as transfer_string if current
# $TERM is defined in xterm_title_terms
# Use to show dynamic info in the xterm title bar
transfer_xterm_string "\e]0;%p%% - %R - yafc\x07"
# Proxy settings
# proxy_type is the type of proxy, valid arguments:
# 0 - no proxy (default)
# 1 - connect to proxy, USER real_user@real_host, PASS real_password
# 2 - login to proxy, USER real_user@real_host, PASS real_password
# 3 - login to proxy, SITE real_host, USER real_user, PASS real_password
# 4 - login to proxy, OPEN real_host, USER real_user, PASS real_password
# 5 - connect to proxy, USER real_user@proxy_user@real_host, PASS real_password@proxy_password
# 6 - connect to proxy, USER proxy_user@real_host, PASS proxy_password, USER realuser, PASS real_password
proxy_type 0
# the proxy host to connect to including
# username, password and port (all optional)
# if username or password not given, you will
# be prompted for it
#proxy_host user:pass@host:port
# examples:
# connect to proxy host at port 21, prompt for username and password:
#proxy_host host
# connect to proxy host at port 4711, use username nisse and prompt for password:
#proxy_host nisse@host:4711
# list of hosts to exclude from proxying (separated with colon)
# 'localnet' specifies unqualified hosts (within your domain)
proxy_exclude localhost:localnet
# end of configuration file