#============================================================================== # # webcal --- a web based calendar program # # Copyright (C) 2000 Maorong Zou # # # This file is part of webcal. # # webcal is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) # any later version. # # webcal is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with webcal; see the file COPYING. If not, write to # the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # #============================================================================== # # web calendar configuration variables (constants!) # #----------------------------------------------------------------- # package webcalConfig; use strict; #============================================================================== # These headers are for sending out email reminders # or vcalendars %webcalConfig::m = ( 'textheader' =>qq{ Content-Type:text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit }, 'htmlheader' => qq{ Content-Type:text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit }, 'vcalheader' => qq{ Content-Type:application/x-vCalendar; charset="iso-8859-1" name="event.vcs" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit }, ); #============================================================================== %webcalConfig::c = ( #---------------------------------------------------------- # System operator: email address to report system status # 'operator' => 'hofmann.dieter2001@web.de', #---------------------------------------------------------- # Set the next variable to 0 if you don't want arbitary # user to create calendars on your system. 'create' => 1, #---------------------------------------------------------- # Version 2.2.8 and later ... # Two authentication methods are supported. # HTTP_COOKIE and HTTP_PASSWORD. # Set the next variable to 1 for COOKIE auth # You need to remove .htaccess file from # your webcal cgi directory if you're upgrading # from an earlier version and want to use COOKIE auth. 'cookieAuth'=>0, #---------------------------------------------------------- # If you want to review uploads before they go online, # set 'reviewImageUpload' and 'ImageUploadReviewer', # the later is a list of calendar names, the owner of # each calendar in the list is authorized to review the # uploads. # 'allowImageUpload' => 1, 'maximumImageFileSize'=> 10000, 'reviewImageUpload' => 1, 'ImageUploadReviewer' => 'a/b,c/d', # Note: a/b and c/d are invalid calendar names, it shows # you the input format for this field. #---------------------------------------------------------- # # if run under mod_perl and your apache server spits out # headers, sets the next var to 0. If not sure,leave this # variable unchanged. # 'htmlheader' => 1, #---------------------------------------------------------- # # width of the calendar as a percentage of the browser # window. Useful only if you need to insert a left # banner. See banner.pl for an example. # 'tw' => 100, #---------------------------------------------------------- # # If you're NOT running sendmail on your webserver, undefine # sendmail. In this case, you need to specify your smtp server # to make mail reminders work. # # Sendmail is available on Most UNIX systems. # 'sendmail'=>'/usr/sbin/sendmail', # You don't need to define the next two variables if you run sendmail # locally on your web server. # # 'smtpto' is your smtp server. # 'smtpfrom' is the real name of your webserver 'smtpto'=>'smtp.web.de', 'smtpfrom'=>'smtp.web.de', #---------------------------------------------------------- # # List of supported languages. The translation should be # put in the file Name.perl. E.g, German.perl. # 'languageList' => [ 'German', 'Danish', 'Dutch', 'French', 'German', 'Italian', 'Norwegian', 'Portuguese', 'Spanish', 'Swedish', ], # The default language. # 'language' => 'German', # Local webcal documentation goes here: # 'localdocURL' => 'http://some.server.com/somedir/somefile', 'localdocURL' => '', # Default header/footer for detailed list view. They must be # correct HTML codes. Something like a banner image ... # Options are privided for individual calendars to override these. 'localheader' => '', 'localfooter' => '', # Users can override the language option using the options page #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Week starts on either Sunday or Monday. 0 for Sunday and 1 for Monday # This is the default setup for new calendars, user can override it # by using the options page # 'weekstart' => 1, # # set the next variable to 1 to exclude weekends (Sat and Sun) # from your calendar listing. Again, user can override the # default setting. # 'excludeWeekend' => 0, #----------------------------------------------------------------- # set to 0 if don't want to see the moon phases (month view only) # 'moonphase' => 1, #----------------------------------------------------------------- # --- short format ---- # 0, 'mm/dd/yyyy', # 1, 'dd/mm/yyyy', # 2, 'yyyy-mm-dd', # 3, 'dd-mm-yyyy', # 4, 'dd.mm.yyyy', # 5, 'dd/mm-yyyy', # 6, 'yyyy.mm.dd', # 7, 'yyyy/mm/dd', # 8, 'dd-mm-yyyy.', # 9, 'yyyy.mm.dd.', 'dateformat' => 4, # ---- long date format ---- # 0, 'Dayname Monthname dd yyyy', # 1, 'Dayname dd Monthname yyyy', # 2, 'Dayname dd.Monthname yyyy,', # 3, 'Dayname dd-mm-yyyy', # 4, 'Dayname, dd Monthname yyyy', # 5, 'Dayname, dd Monthname, yyyy', # 6, 'yyyy-Monthname-dd', # 7, 'dd Monthname, yyyy', # 8, 'dd. Monthname yyyy', # 9, 'yyyy Monthname dd Dayname', # 10, 'yyyy m. Monthname dd d.', 'dateformat2' => 4, #----------------------------------------------------------------- # if set to 0, display format will be in the am/pm style # if set to 1, display will be the 24 hour style # Can be overriden using the options page. # 'hourformat'=>1, # #----------------------------------------------------------------- # For public calendars like classroom calendar, It is a hassel # to limit GET access to your users. I.e., you should edit the # .htaccess file to just password protect the POST method. In # this case, set the next variable to 0. The cgi script will # inform your user about editing. If unsure, don't change this # one. # 'limitGet' => 1, # #----------------------------------------------------------------- # list site administrators. A site administrator can # modify all calendars. # If multiple administrators, separate names by , 'theAdministrator' => 'webmaster', # #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Will the cgi script list all calendars on the system? Again, # it is useful only for public calendars. E.g. calendar for 5 classrooms. # It is a good idea to leave it untouched. # When set nonzero, the value is the size of the selection boxes. # When negative, calendars will be listed in event editors, but # not on the main calendar page. # 'listAllCals' => -1, # #----------------------------------------------------------------- # The automatic refresh interval, defaut is 300 seconds. Set it # too big will probably miss popup reminders, set it too small # will anoy your users. To disable auto refreshing, change it # to a very large value. # 'refreshInterval' => 300, # time between auto refreshes # # #----------------------------------------------------------------- # if set to nonzero, a small digital clock applet will be loaded. # (there are two clocks dclock 2k, BigTimeZ 5k. # ==> use dclock if($useJavaApplet == 1) else use BigTimeZ # 'useJavaApplet' => 0, # # If applet is not selected, an image based digital clock # will be displayed. (8/28/2001) 'imageClock' => 1, #----------------------------------------------------------------- # If set 1, transactions will be logged in .../spool/log # Used for debugging. # 'logging' => 0, # #----------------------------------------------------------------- # If set to 1, selection for 'autostart' will be displayed on # options page. This does not do anything by itself, the actual # autostarting has to be done somewhere else (loginscript, startpage) # 'autostart' => 0, # #----------------------------------------------------------------- #Color settings. # 'backgroundColor' => '#ffffee', # background color 'dkbackground' => '#eeeedd', # a slightly darker background 'textColor' => '#000000', # default text color (black) 'linkColor'=> '#666600', # default link color # 'todayHcolor' =>'#ffccff', # color to highlight today (kind of light pink) # # Added in Version 2.8 # list of colors to be used to display the pager header. Use the # index number below the RGB value to define 'headerColor'. It is # safe to leave this option unset. Individual calendars can override # the settings from the calendar option page. # # "#dfa62f", "#c41bc4", "#24935a", "#281cce", "#8e2477", "#e25809", "#1f75b7"; # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 'headerColor' => 2, # colors used to highlight rows in listview, search result etc. # # entries are: color1, color2, color3, a_color1, a_color2, a_color3 # where color3 is used to highlight today's entries. a_color* is a variant # of color* 'rowColors' => ['#ffffff','#ccccee', '#ffccff', '#ffffcc', '#ddddff', '#ffddff'], # # in week view, these colors are used to highlight out busy hours # 'otColors' => ['#FFccFF', '#cc99cc', '#996699', '#663366', '#663366', '#663366', '#9999cc'], #for today 'oColors' => ['#FFFFFF', '#999999', '#666666', '#333333', '#333333', '#333333', '#9999cc'], #for other days # # This colors will be used to highlight user events in public calendars. # 'usrColors' => ['#FFFFFF', '#FFFFCC', '#CCFFFF', '#FFCCFF', '#CCCCFF', '#CCFFCC', '#FFCCCC', '#CCCCCC', '#99CCCC', '#CC99CC', '#CCCC99', '#99CC99', '#CC9999', '#9999CC', '#999999'], #----------------------------------------------------------------- 'cgiInfo' => 'WebCalendar', 'cgiInfoA'=> 'WebCalendar
Maorong Zou
', #----------------------------------------------------------------- # reserved for style information 'txtcss' => ' ', #---------------------------------------------------------- # don't change the following three lines, installation # script will replace it with the appropriate entries. 'spooldir'=>'/usr/share/httpd/cgi-bin/calendar/spool', 'imgdir'=>'/usr/share/httpd/htdocs/calendar/images', 'imgdirurl'=>'/calendar/images', 'cginame'=>'/cgi-bin/calendar/bin/wcal', 'fcginame'=>'http://localhost/cgi-bin/calendar/bin/wcal', 'signupURL'=>'http://localhost/cgi-bin/calendar/bin/wcal', ); #----------------------------------------------------------------- 1;