# /etc/ppp/options.ippp? # # for isdn4linux/syncPPP and dynamic IP-numbers # # # Klaus Franken, kfr@suse.de # Version: 27.08.97 (5.1) # # This file is copy by YaST from /etc/ppp/ioptions.YaST # to options. debug # The device(s) # for more than one device try: # /dev/ippp0 /dev/ippp1 ... /dev/ippp0 # The IP addresses: : # just "" or nothing for dynamic IP # my user name user # my system name (only for CHAP!) # name my_system_name # accept IP addresses from peer # use with dynamic IP ipcp-accept-local ipcp-accept-remote noipdefault # try to get IP address from interface # option specific to ipppd (as opposed to pppd) # use only with static IP #useifip # disable all header-compression -vj -vjccomp -ac -pc -bsdcomp # sometimes you need this: #noccp # max receive unit mru 1524 # max transmit unit mtu 1500 # If this machine is a server, force authentication by uncommenting one # of the following. However, if this machine is a client, doing this will # prevent a succesful connection! (message "peer refused to authenticate"). # So, only uncomment on a server. # "+pap" / "+chap" NUR AKTIVIEREN, WENN DIES EIN SERVER IST!!! #+pap #+chap # if you have problems with handshaking (no response for first # lcp-package) try to decrease the retry-cycle. Default is 3 sec, # try for example 2 sec: # lcp-restart 2 # if you want to use Channel Boundling with mppp - activate this entry! #+mp