because life is not in B&W... HaZe 0.1b a real B&W window manager v0.1b ------------------- Configuration ------------------- All the features here described are the same as in mlvwm. In the future, HaZe will have its own ones. The HaZe configuration file is $HOME/.hazerc. It is possible that this file is changed by the -f option in the start (editing the starthaze script) BuiltinCommand Builtin command which can be used in the menu, the keyboard short cut, and so on is as the following. Exec The practice of the outside command is performed. The outside command carried out as an argument is taken. Set the name of the application carried out. Nop Anything isn't done. Refresh It is made that the screen is fresh. Restart Window manager specified as an argument is carried out, and restart of the window environment is performed. Exit Window manager is finished. Desk Desk-top movement is done. An argument takes a number or +, -. It is moved to the shown desk-top of the number at the time of the number. + (-) case current desktop number is added(pulled) 1. NextWindow The window mapped after the present active window is chosen. The window that the window that Hide was done and SkipSelect are specified isn't chosen. PreviousWindow The window mapped before the present active window is chosen. The window that the window that Hide was done and SkipSelect are specified isn't chosen. NextSameDeskWindow A window about the same desk-top number which mapped in the next of present active window is chosen. The window that the window that Hide was done and SkipSelect are specified isn't chosen. PreviousSameDeskWindow A window about the same desk-top number that is mapped previous of present active window is chosen. The window that the window that Hide was done and SkipSelect are specified isn't chosen. ShadedUnShadeActive Shade or UnShade does present active window. HideActive Present active window is hidden. HideOthers The present one except for active window is hidden. ShowAll All hiding windows are indicated. MoveWindow It is moved through the window after the choice. ResizeWindow It resize a window after the choice. KillWindow A window is finished after the choice. SendMessage The event of KeyPress is sent to present active window. The way of setting it moves space to the stop, and describes a key name. If the length of key name is 1, all charactor inside double quotation marks are changed to key name. KeyModifier performs designation with the capital letter, and it can be specified by the same character as the keyboard short cut mentioned later. KeyModifier can be described by combining it with the key name and +. example ) control +x, -> C+x Wait Application name or Application class Wait to start application. ShowBalloon This function can be bound to a key in order to show balloon. Description The item which can be set by the initialization file is as the next. Desktopnum Virtual screen number of sheets. Default is 1. StickyShade The shaded windows are indicated instead of the desk-top movement. It isn't set up with the default. StickyHide It is indicated in the desk-top number of current when the window which did Hide is chosen from the window list. When ShowAll is performed, it is indicated in the original desk-top. It isn't set up with the default. ShadeMap Shade isn't canceled when Map is done after Hide does the window that Shade was done. Shade is canceled with the default. DoubleClickTime The establishment of the click time to perform double click. Default is 300. Compatible Change to the dotted line that is displayed at move and resize window. FollowToMouse When it is set up, active window is changed in accordance with the movement of the mouse. It isn't set up with the default. SloppyFocus It turns on FollowToMouse with the modification of not loosing focus when in the root window. System8 Change to window decoration to System 8(Only Color Monitor). (Not works fine in HaZe, it will dissapear in next realeases) OpaqueMove Enable Opaque move. OpaqueResize Enable Opaque resize. OneClickMenu Click pull down menu and more one click execute selection. EdgeResistance x y Edge resistance force. ZoomWait Setting Hide animation speed. Default is 10ms. The unit is ms. RotateDesk Rotate desktop number at Desk + and Desk -. DisplayDeskNumber Display window name with desktop number on window list. IconifyShade WindowShade is regarded as Inocify. IconifyHide HideWindow is regarded as Iconify. ScrollBarWidth The variable scroll window is set and defaults to 19 if unspecified. FlushMenu The flashing interval of the menu and number of times are set. An argument can't be omitted in the flashing interval and the number of times. The flashing interval is 100, flashing number of times are 2 as for the default. Flashing interval is set at ms. IconPath An icon path is specified. When it is set in the plural, `Divide it with : ', and set it. Icon specified with Icon and MiniIcon can stop reading it when designation isn't performed before Style, IconMenuIcon and Menu. IconMenuIcon The icon of the window list menu of the right end is specified. When there is no designation, the character line of ICON is indicated. It stopped binding it with. UseRootWin ignore button event on Root Window. UseBalloon "str1" "str2", Icon iconname Use balloon help. str1 is displayed as menu item when Balloon help is not displayed. InitFunction RestartFunction Define the function when start and restart the mlvwm. MenuBarFont The font of the menu bar is set up. MenuFont The font of menu item is set up. TitleBarFont The font of the title bar of the window is set up. BalloonFont The font of Balloon Help is set up. Read The establishment file of the set file name is read. RestartPreviousState It allows to regenerate the screen as it was before the previous window manager was shutdown or the current window manager was restarted. Menu A menu is set up. It is a menu item to END. A menu name is continued, and it describes it. A menu name can't include space. It is divided , and an option is inputted. There is the next thing in the option. Right It shows a menu label in the right. Left It shows a menu label in the left. The default of the menu is Left and it is omitted. Icon icon name An icon to the icon name menu bar can be specified. Pixmap and Bitmap files are used as icon. Label The label of the menu bar is set up. Stick The menu label is indicated any time in spite of the designation of MenuBar mentioned later. NonStick The menu label is indicated only MenuBar indication (default). How to describe menu item It is "label" options. When a label is the dotted line. See a sample for detail. There is the next thing in the option. Options are divided by ,. Gray The character of the menu item is made gray. Black The character of the menu item is made black. Check A check mark is put. NonCheck A check mark isn't put. Select It is made possible a menu item is chosen. NonSelect A menu item is prevented from being chosen. Icon icon name An icon name icon is specified. Pixmap and Bitmap files are used as icon. SubMenu A submenu is specified. Action builtin command Command when menu is chosen is specified. Swallow It is filled up in the menu bar, and the application that it gets crowded is established. It is divided , and an option is inputted. There is the next thing in the option. Right It shows application in the right. Left It shows application in the left. The default of the application is Right and it is omitted. Action The application that it is filled up and crowded is set. Description is to continue the description of Exec of inside command backward. Stick Indication is always in spite of MenuBar definitions. NonStick Indication is performed only with specified MenuBar. And, the application of the menu bar describes a name to the application of the menu bar in succession. MenuBar The menu of the name described in the space to END becomes the item of this menu bar. Style A window decoration can be set. The ways of setting it are "a window name or a class" a decoration switch, ... It becomes designated completion with END. In the window name, *? can be used for wild card. There is the next thing in the decoration switch. NormalDecoration Performs a standard decoration. NoSbarH Horizontal scroll bar isn't indicated. NoSbarV Vertical scroll bar isn't indicated. NoResizeR Resize region isn't indicated. NoTitle A title bar isn't indicated. NoMinMaxR Maximum, minimum region isn't indicated.(When NoTitle is specified, it is set automatically.) NoCloseR Close region isn't indicated.(When NoTitle is specified, it is set automatically.) NoShadeR Shade region isn't indicated(Only to set System8). NoWinList It isn't indicated in the window list. NoFocus The window doesn't have a focus when it mapped. StayOnTop It is indicated on all the windows. The window indicated later becomes the top at the time of which a set window is the same as. Sticky The window is indicated without the desk-top movement. SkipSelect It isn't chosen with NextWindow of inside command, PreviousWindow. EnableScroll A window under the scroll condition of Enable. MaxmizeScale The percentage when it turns most is set or widthxheight. MiniIcon It has the small icon with the designated application. Pixmap and Bitmap files are used as icon. MenuBar It has the menu bar with the designated application. The menu is specified by continuing the name of the menu and describing it. NoTransientDecorate No decorations for transient window. All decorations are indicated, and the window of the default is indicated in the window list. StayOnTop isn't designation. ShortCut The establishment of the keyboard short cut is performed. It becomes designated completion with END. The way of setting it is as the next. KeyName KeyboardModifier Command The thing to can spend with Menu is possible (it is set completely). KeyboardModifier performs designation with the capital letter, and it is as the next. S Shift key C Control key M Mod1 key 1 Mod1 key 2 Mod2 key 3 Mod3 key 4 Mod4 key 5 Mod5 key A AnyModifier N No And it is to refer to the Mlvwmrc file of the attachment that it is stuck though there may be a thing of the explanation which is not. The description of the pole power all will be performed here.