#Beispiel Konfiguration für den haze Windowmanager #(c) Rainmaker MultiMedia OHG # #$Author$ #$Date$ #$Revision$ # #$Log$ #Revision 1.4 2006/06/21 08:03:16 kueller #Anpassung an X11R7 # #Revision 1.3 2001/10/08 08:40:52 kueller #cvs header hinzugefügt, #Menueeintrag für nt downloadmanager hinzugefügt # # #################### ## Windows Layout #################### ## Colors # Classic HaZe #TITLE_ACTIVE_FG white #TITLE_ACTIVE_BG black #TITLE_INACTIVE_FG gray #TITLE_INACTIVE_BG white #DECORATIONS_ACTIVE_FG white #DECORATIONS_ACTIVE_BG black #DECORATIONS_INACTIVE_FG gray #DECORATIONS_INACTIVE_BG black # Orange #TITLE_ACTIVE_FG black #TITLE_ACTIVE_BG orange #TITLE_INACTIVE_FG black #TITLE_INACTIVE_BG gray #DECORATIONS_ACTIVE_FG black #DECORATIONS_ACTIVE_BG orange #DECORATIONS_INACTIVE_FG black #DECORATIONS_INACTIVE_BG gray # Green #TITLE_ACTIVE_FG green #TITLE_ACTIVE_B black #TITLE_INACTIVE_FG forest green #TITLE_INACTIVE_BG black #DECORATIONS_ACTIVE_FG green #DECORATIONS_ACTIVE_BG black #DECORATIONS_INACTIVE_FG forest gren #DECORATIONS_INACTIVE_BG black ## Number of Desktop Desktopnum 6 ## Follow mouse activation of window #FollowToMouse ## Follow mouse activation of window but when mouse go into root window, ## active window is not changed #SloppyFocus ## Shaded window is all desktop StickyShade ## Displayed selected window at current desktop, ## when window is not mapped. #StickyHide ## Interval and number of flush at flushing menu #FlushMenu 100 2 ## Map iconify window as shade IconifyShade ## Map window as hide when window is mapped as icon IconifyHide ## Show the window as shade, when hide shaded window is shown ShadeMap ## Enable Opaque Move OpaqueMove ## Enable Opaque Resize OpaqueResize ## Enable one click menu OneClickMenu # Double click time DoubleClickTime 300 # Edge resistance force EdgeResistance 50 50 ## Show window name with desktop number on window list DisplayDeskNumber ## Draw move/resize line with dotted line Compatible #################### ## from mlvwm #################### ## Enable MacOS 8 decoration feauture #System8 Style "*" NormalDecoration END #################### ## Icon Search Path #################### IconPath /opt/Haze/share/haze:/opt/kde2/share/pixmaps:/usr/share/pixmaps:/usr/share/icons:/usr/share/icons/mini #################### ## Menu Icon #################### IconMenuIcon jx.xpm #################### ## Another old ## mlvwm feature #################### # Balloon help Settings #UseBalloon "Show Balloon Help" "Hide Balloon Help", Icon jx.xpm #################### ## Fonts #################### # Font Settings(without LOCALE) # The default font #MenuBarFont -*-*-medium-i-normal-*-16-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-* #MenuFont -*-*-medium-i-normal-*-16-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-* #TitleBarFont -*-*-medium-i-normal-*-16-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-* #BalloonFont -*-*-medium-i-normal-*-16-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-* # My favourite font, best viewed with 1024x768 & 1280x1024 MenuBarFont -b&h-lucidatypewriter-bold-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-m-*-iso8859-* MenuFont -b&h-lucidatypewriter-bold-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-m-*-iso8859-* TitleBarFont -b&h-lucidatypewriter-bold-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-m-*-iso8859-* # Another pretty good font #MenuBarFont -biznet-fotinostypewriter-bold-r-normal-*-17-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-* #MenuFont -biznet-fotinostypewriter-bold-r-normal-*-17-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-* #TitleBarFont -biznet-fotinostypewriter-bold-r-normal-*-17-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-* #################### ## Shortcuts... ## from mlvwm #################### # Settings of keyborad short cut ShortCut Up C Desk - Down C Desk + Left C PreviousWindow Right C NextWindow Left M PreviousSameDeskWindow Right M NextSameDeskWindow Escape M Restart mlvwm Escape SM Exit END #################### ## The Menu #################### Menu def-Window, Icon mini-haze.xpm, Stick "About..." Icon mini-haze.xpm, Action Exec "splash" exec splash /usr/local/share/haze/splash.xpm sleep 5s "Move" Icon mini-move.xpm, Action MoveWindow "Resize" Icon mini-resize.xpm, Action ResizeWindow #"Toggle Scroll" Action ToggleScroll "" NonSelect "xKill" Icon mini-bomb.xpm, Action Exec "xkill" exec xkill END Menu def-File, Label "File", Left "XFTree " Icon text.xpm, Action Exec "xftree" exec xftree "Rxvt " Icon defaultterm.xpm, Action Exec "rxvt" exec rxvt "Xterm " Icon defaultterm.xpm, Action Exec "xterm" exec xterm "Xedit " Icon text.xpm, Action Exec "xedit" exec xedit "Editor " Icon text.xpm, Action Exec "gedit" exec gedit END Menu def-Multimedia "XMMS " Icon haze-sound.xpm, Action Exec "xmms" exec xmms "XMixer " Icon mixer.xpm, Action Exec "xmixer" exec xmixer END Menu def-Applications, Label "Applications" "StarOffice " Icon staroffice2.xpm, Action Exec "soffice" exec office52/soffice "The Gimp " Icon wilber.xpm, Action Exec "gimp" exec gimp "GQview " Icon eyecon.xpm, Action Exec "gqview" exec gqview "Multimedia " SubMenu def-Multimedia END Menu def-Net, Label "Net" "Mozilla Navigator " Icon /opt/mozilla/icons/mozicon16.xpm, Action Exec "mozilla" exec /opt/mozilla/mozilla "Mozilla Messenger " Icon korn.xpm, Action Exec "mozilla" exec /opt/mozilla/mozilla -mail "nt Downloadmanager " Icon Network.xpm, Action Exec "nt" exec /usr/X11R7/bin/nt END Menu start-sub "Gnome Panel " Icon gnome-logo.xpm, Action Exec "panel" exec panel END Menu def-Special, Label "Special" "Clean Up Desktop " Icon Recycler.xpm,Action Refresh "" NonSelect "Mount CDRom" Icon mountcd.xpm, Action Exec "xfmountdev" exec mount /mnt/cdrom "UnMount CDRom" Icon umountcd.xpm, Action Exec "xfmountdev" exec umount /mnt/cdrom "" NonSelect "Start" SubMenu start-sub "Configure" Icon kblackbox.xpm, Action Exec "xedit" exec xedit .hazerc "Restart" Icon ComputerPC.xpm, Action Restart zenwm "" NonSelect "Shutdown HaZe" Icon kcmx.xpm, Action Exit END #################### ## Bar Addons #################### # Swallow the application at menu #Swallow "XEyes" Action Exec "xeyes" exec xeyes -geometry 100 # Foreground=orange, change with new looks Swallow "xload" Action Exec "xload" exec xload -geometry 100 -fg orange -bg black -nolabel -update 1 #Swallow "xosview" Action Exec "xosview" exec xosview -captions -font 7x14 -geometry 150x25 -load -mem -page -ints -swap Swallow "XClock" Action Exec "xclock" exec xclock -geometry 180x25 -font 7x14 -fg white -bg black -digital -padding 7 -update 1 #################### ## The Menu Bar #################### # Definition MenuBar MenuBar default #def-Window def-File def-Applications def-Net def-Special END #################### ## Initial Function #################### # Uncomment the "xterm" lines if needed InitFunction Desk 5 Exec "xterm" xterm -ls -geometry 80x25 & Wait xterm #Exec "rxvt" rxvt & #Wait rxvt Desk 0 Exec "xterm" xterm -ls -geometry 80x25 & Wait xterm #Exec "rxvt" rxvt & #Wait rxvt #Exec "xosview" xosview & #Wait xosview # Background color #Exec xsetroot -solid mediumpurple & #Exec xsetroot -solid skyblue4 & #Exec xsetroot -solid black & Exec xsetroot -solid steelblue4 & # Background image #Exec xsetbg -fullscreen -shrink -border black -onroot /usr/share/pixmaps/backgrounds/space/hst_antennae_9734a.jpg END #################### ## Restart Function #################### RestartFunction END #################### ## Style #################### # Define the default window decoration Style "*" MiniIcon jx.xpm, MaxmizeScale 90, MenuBar default END # Old mlvwm style definitons Style #"Emacs" MiniIcon mini-edit.xpm #"xv" MiniIcon mini-xv.xpm, EnableScroll #"XCalc" MiniIcon mini-calc.xpm #"Xarchie" MiniIcon mini.xarchie.xpm #"Xmag" MiniIcon mini.xmag.xpm "XMeter" NoSBarH, NoSBarV, NoResizeR, NoMinMaxR, NoTitle, NoCloseR "XMeter" NoWinList, Sticky, SkipSelect "*biff" NoSBarH, NoSBarV, NoResizeR, NoMinMaxR, NoWinList, NoCloseR "XEyes" NoSBarV, NoMinMaxR, NoSBarH, NoWinList "XCal" NoSBarH, NoSBarV, NoResizeR, NoMinMaxR, NoWinList, NoCloseR "XConsole" NoSBarH, NoSBarV, NoResizeR, NoTitle, NoWinList, SkipSelect END #################### ## The End ####################