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<TITLE>cc65 function reference: Alphabetical function reference: bsearch</TITLE>
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<H2><A NAME="bsearch"></A> 3.25 <A HREF="funcref.html#toc3.25">bsearch</A></H2>
<DT><B>Function</B><DD><P>Do a binary search in a sorted array.</P>
<A HREF="funcref-38.html#stdlib.h">stdlib.h</A></CODE></P>
<DT><B>Declaration</B><DD><P><CODE>void* __fastcall__ bsearch (const void* key,
const void* base, size_t n, size_t size,
int (*cmp) (const void*, const void*));</CODE></P>
<DT><B>Description</B><DD><P><CODE>bsearch</CODE> searches a sorted array for a member that
matches the one pointed to by <CODE>key</CODE>. <CODE>base</CODE> is the address of the array,
<CODE>n</CODE> is the number of elements, <CODE>size</CODE> the size of an element and <CODE>cmp</CODE>
the function used to compare the members against the key. The function returns
a pointer to the member found, or <CODE>NULL</CODE> if there was no match.</P>
<LI>The contents of the array must be sorted in ascending order according to
the compare function given.</LI>
<LI>If there are multiple members that match the key, the function will
return one of the members.</LI>
<LI>The function is only available as fastcall function, so it may only
be used in presence of a prototype.</LI>
<DT><B>Availability</B><DD><P>ISO 9899</P>
<DT><B>See also</B><DD><P>
<A HREF="funcref-166.html#qsort">qsort</A></P>
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