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<TITLE>ld65 Users Guide: Usage</TITLE>
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<H2><A NAME="s2">2.</A> <A HREF="ld65.html#toc2">Usage</A></H2>
<H2><A NAME="ss2.1">2.1</A> <A HREF="ld65.html#toc2.1">Command line option overview</A>
<P>The linker is called as follows:</P>
Usage: ld65 [options] module ...
Short options:
-( Start a library group
-) End a library group
-C name Use linker config file
-D sym=val Define a symbol
-L path Specify a library search path
-Ln name Create a VICE label file
-S addr Set the default start address
-V Print the linker version
-h Help (this text)
-m name Create a map file
-o name Name the default output file
-t sys Set the target system
-v Verbose mode
-vm Verbose map file
Long options:
--cfg-path path Specify a config file search path
--config name Use linker config file
--dbgfile name Generate debug information
--define sym=val Define a symbol
--dump-config name Dump a builtin configuration
--end-group End a library group
--help Help (this text)
--lib file Link this library
--lib-path path Specify a library search path
--mapfile name Create a map file
--module-id id Specify a module id
--obj file Link this object file
--obj-path path Specify an object file search path
--start-addr addr Set the default start address
--start-group Start a library group
--target sys Set the target system
--version Print the linker version
<H2><A NAME="ss2.2">2.2</A> <A HREF="ld65.html#toc2.2">Command line options in detail</A>
<P>Here is a description of all the command line options:</P>
<A NAME="option--start-group"></A> </P>
<DT><B><CODE>-(, --start-group</CODE></B><DD><P>Start a library group. The libraries specified within a group are searched
multiple times to resolve crossreferences within the libraries. Normally,
crossreferences are only resolved within a library, that is the library is
searched multiple times. Libraries specified later on the command line
cannot reference otherwise unreferenced symbols in libraries specified
earlier, because the linker has already handled them. Library groups are
a solution for this problem, because the linker will search repeatedly
through all libraries specified in the group, until all possible open
symbol references have been satisfied.</P>
<DT><B><CODE>-), --end-group</CODE></B><DD><P>End a library group. See the explanation of the <CODE>
<A HREF="#option--start-group">--start-group</A></CODE> option.</P>
<DT><B><CODE>-h, --help</CODE></B><DD><P>Print the short option summary shown above.</P>
<A NAME="option-m"></A> </P>
<DT><B><CODE>-m name, --mapfile name</CODE></B><DD><P>This option (which needs an argument that will used as a filename for
the generated map file) will cause the linker to generate a map file.
The map file does contain a detailed overview over the modules used, the
sizes for the different segments, and a table containing exported
<A NAME="option-o"></A> </P>
<DT><B><CODE>-o name</CODE></B><DD><P>The -o switch is used to give the name of the default output file.
Depending on your output configuration, this name may NOT be used as
name for the output file. However, for the builtin configurations, this
name is used for the output file name.</P>
<A NAME="option-t"></A> </P>
<DT><B><CODE>-t sys, --target sys</CODE></B><DD><P>The argument for the -t switch is the name of the target system. Since this
switch will activate a builtin configuration, it may not be used together
with the <CODE>
<A HREF="#option-C">-C</A></CODE> option. The following target
systems are currently supported:</P>
<LI>c16 (works also for the c116 with memory up to 32K)</LI>
<LI>cbm510 (CBM-II series with 40 column video)</LI>
<LI>cbm610 (all CBM series-II computers with 80 column video)</LI>
<LI>pet (all CBM PET systems except the 2001)</LI>
<P>There are a few more targets defined but neither of them is actually
<A NAME="option-v"></A> </P>
<DT><B><CODE>-v, --verbose</CODE></B><DD><P>Using the -v option, you may enable more output that may help you to
locate problems. If an undefined symbol is encountered, -v causes the
linker to print a detailed list of the references (that is, source file
and line) for this symbol.</P>
<DT><B><CODE>-vm</CODE></B><DD><P>Must be used in conjunction with <CODE>
<A HREF="#option-m">-m</A></CODE>
(generate map file). Normally the map file will not include empty segments
and sections, or unreferenced symbols. Using this option, you can force the
linker to include all this information into the map file.</P>
<A NAME="option-C"></A> </P>
<DT><B><CODE>-C</CODE></B><DD><P>This gives the name of an output config file to use. See section 4 for more
information about config files. -C may not be used together with <CODE>
<A HREF="#option-t">-t</A></CODE>.</P>
<A NAME="option-D"></A> </P>
<DT><B><CODE>-D sym=value, --define sym=value</CODE></B><DD><P>This option allows to define an external symbol on the command line. Value
may start with a '$' sign or with <CODE>0x</CODE> for hexadecimal values,
otherwise a leading zero denotes octal values. See also the
<A HREF="ld65-5.html#SYMBOLS">SYMBOLS section</A> in the configuration file.</P>
<A NAME="option--lib-path"></A> </P>
<DT><B><CODE>-L path, --lib-path path</CODE></B><DD><P>Specify a library search path. This option may be used more than once. It
adds a directory to the search path for library files. Libraries specified
without a path are searched in current directory, in the directory given in
the <CODE>LD65_LIB</CODE> environment variable, and in the list of directories
specified using <CODE>--lib-path</CODE>.</P>
<DT><B><CODE>-Ln</CODE></B><DD><P>This option allows you to create a file that contains all global labels and
may be loaded into VICE emulator using the <CODE>ll</CODE> (load label) command. You
may use this to debug your code with VICE. Note: Older versions had some
bugs in the label code. If you have problems, please get the latest VICE
<A NAME="option-S"></A> </P>
<DT><B><CODE>-S addr, --start-addr addr</CODE></B><DD><P>Using -S you may define the default starting address. If and how this
address is used depends on the config file in use. For the builtin
configurations, only the "none" system honors an explicit start address,
all other builtin config provide their own.</P>
<DT><B><CODE>-V, --version</CODE></B><DD><P>This option print the version number of the linker. If you send any
suggestions or bugfixes, please include this number.</P>
<A NAME="option--cfg-path"></A> </P>
<DT><B><CODE>--cfg-path path</CODE></B><DD><P>Specify a config file search path. This option may be used more than once.
It adds a directory to the search path for config files. A config file given
with the <CODE>
<A HREF="#option-C">-C</A></CODE> option that has no path in
its name is searched in the current directory, in the directory given in the
<CODE>LD65_CFG</CODE> environment variable, and in the list of directories specified
using <CODE>--cfg-path</CODE>.</P>
<A NAME="option--dbgfile"></A> </P>
<DT><B><CODE>--dbgfile name</CODE></B><DD><P>Specify an output file for debug information. Available information will be
written to this file. Using the <CODE>-g</CODE> option for the compiler and assembler
will increase the amount of information available. Please note that debug
information generation is currently being developed, so the format of the
file and it's contents are subject to change without further notice.</P>
<DT><B><CODE>--lib file</CODE></B><DD><P>Links a library to the output. Use this command line option instead of just
naming the library file, if the linker is not able to determine the file
type because of an unusual extension.</P>
<DT><B><CODE>--obj file</CODE></B><DD><P>Links an object file to the output. Use this command line option instead
of just naming the object file, if the linker is not able to determine the
file type because of an unusual extension.</P>
<A NAME="option--obj-path"></A> </P>
<DT><B><CODE>--obj-path path</CODE></B><DD><P>Specify an object file search path. This option may be used more than once.
It adds a directory to the search path for object files. An object file
passed to the linker that has no path in its name is searched in current
directory, in the directory given in the <CODE>LD65_OBJ</CODE> environment variable,
and in the list of directories specified using <CODE>--obj-path</CODE>.</P>
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