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<TITLE>cl65 Users Guide: Basic Usage</TITLE>
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<H2><A NAME="s2">2.</A> <A HREF="cl65.html#toc2">Basic Usage</A></H2>
<P>The cl65 compile and link utility may be used to convert, compile, assemble
and link files. While the separate tools do just one step, cl65 knows how to
build object files from C files (by calling the compiler, then the assembler)
and other things.</P>
Usage: cl65 [options] file [...]
Short options:
-c Compile and assemble but don't link
-d Debug mode
-g Add debug info
-h Help (this text)
-l Create an assembler listing
-m name Create a map file
-mm model Set the memory model
-o name Name the output file
-r Enable register variables
-t sys Set the target system
-v Verbose mode
-vm Verbose map file
-C name Use linker config file
-Cl Make local variables static
-D sym[=defn] Define a preprocessor symbol
-I dir Set a compiler include directory path
-L path Specify a library search path
-Ln name Create a VICE label file
-O Optimize code
-Oi Optimize code, inline functions
-Or Optimize code, honour the register keyword
-Os Optimize code, inline known C funtions
-S Compile but don't assemble and link
-T Include source as comment
-V Print the version number
-W Suppress warnings
-Wa options Pass options to the assembler
-Wl options Pass options to the linker
Long options:
--add-source Include source as comment
--asm-args options Pass options to the assembler
--asm-define sym[=v] Define an assembler symbol
--asm-include-dir dir Set an assembler include directory
--bss-label name Define and export a BSS segment label
--bss-name seg Set the name of the BSS segment
--cfg-path path Specify a config file search path
--check-stack Generate stack overflow checks
--code-label name Define and export a CODE segment label
--code-name seg Set the name of the CODE segment
--codesize x Accept larger code by factor x
--config name Use linker config file
--cpu type Set cpu type
--create-dep Create a make dependency file
--data-label name Define and export a DATA segment label
--data-name seg Set the name of the DATA segment
--debug Debug mode
--debug-info Add debug info
--feature name Set an emulation feature
--forget-inc-paths Forget include search paths (compiler)
--help Help (this text)
--include-dir dir Set a compiler include directory path
--ld-args options Pass options to the linker
--lib file Link this library
--lib-path path Specify a library search path
--list-targets List all available targets
--listing Create an assembler listing
--list-bytes n Number of bytes per assembler listing line
--mapfile name Create a map file
--memory-model model Set the memory model
--module Link as a module
--module-id id Specify a module id for the linker
--o65-model model Override the o65 model
--obj file Link this object file
--obj-path path Specify an object file search path
--register-space b Set space available for register variables
--register-vars Enable register variables
--rodata-name seg Set the name of the RODATA segment
--signed-chars Default characters are signed
--standard std Language standard (c89, c99, cc65)
--start-addr addr Set the default start address
--static-locals Make local variables static
--target sys Set the target system
--version Print the version number
--verbose Verbose mode
--zeropage-label name Define and export a ZEROPAGE segment label
--zeropage-name seg Set the name of the ZEROPAGE segment
<P>Most of the options have the same meaning than the corresponding compiler,
assembler or linker option. See the documentation for these tools for an
explanation. If an option is available for more than one of the tools, it
is set for all tools, where it is available. One example for this is <CODE>-v</CODE>:
The compiler, the assembler and the linker are all called with the <CODE>-v</CODE>
<P>There are a few remaining options that control the behaviour of cl65:</P>
<DT><B><CODE>-S</CODE></B><DD><P>This option forces cl65 to stop after the assembly step. This means that
C files are translated into assembler files, but nothing more is done.
Assembler files, object files and libraries given on the command line
are ignored.</P>
<DT><B><CODE>-c</CODE></B><DD><P>This options forces cl65 to stop after the assembly step. This means
that C and assembler files given on the command line are translated into
object files, but there is no link step, and object files and libraries
given on the command line are ignored.</P>
<DT><B><CODE>-o name</CODE></B><DD><P>The -o option is used for the target name in the final step. This causes
problems, if the linker will not be called, and there are several input
files on the command line. In this case, the name given with -o will be
used for all of them, which makes the option pretty useless. You
shouldn't use -o when more than one output file is created.</P>
<DT><B><CODE>-t sys, --target sys</CODE></B><DD><P>The default for this option is different from the compiler and linker in the
case that the option is missing: While the other tools (compiler, assembler
and linker) will use the "none" system settings by default, cl65 will use
the C64 as a target system by default. This was chosen since most people
seem to use cc65 to develop for the C64.</P>
<DT><B><CODE>-Wa options, --asm-args options</CODE></B><DD><P>Pass options directly to the assembler. This may be used to pass options
that aren't directly supported by cl65. Several options may be separated by
commas, the commas are replaced by spaces when passing them to the
assembler. Beware: Passing arguments directly to the assembler may interfere
with some of the defaults, because cl65 doesn't parse the options passed. So
if cl65 supports an option by itself, do not pass this option to the
assembler by means of the <CODE>-Wa</CODE> switch.</P>
<DT><B><CODE>-Wl options, --ld-args options</CODE></B><DD><P>Pass options directly to the linker. This may be used to pass options that
aren't directly supported by cl65. Several options may be separated by
commas, the commas are replaced by spaces when passing them to the linker.
Beware: Passing arguments directly to the linker may interfere with some of
the defaults, because cl65 doesn't parse the options passed. So if cl65
supports an option by itself, do not pass this option to the linker by means
of the <CODE>-Wl</CODE> switch.</P>
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