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<TITLE>ca65 Users Guide: Usage</TITLE>
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<H2><A NAME="s2">2.</A> <A HREF="ca65.html#toc2">Usage</A></H2>
<H2><A NAME="ss2.1">2.1</A> <A HREF="ca65.html#toc2.1">Command line option overview</A>
<P>The assembler accepts the following options:</P>
Usage: ca65 [options] file
Short options:
-D name[=value] Define a symbol
-I dir Set an include directory search path
-U Mark unresolved symbols as import
-V Print the assembler version
-W n Set warning level n
-g Add debug info to object file
-h Help (this text)
-i Ignore case of symbols
-l Create a listing if assembly was ok
-mm model Set the memory model
-o name Name the output file
-s Enable smart mode
-t sys Set the target system
-v Increase verbosity
Long options:
--auto-import Mark unresolved symbols as import
--cpu type Set cpu type
--debug-info Add debug info to object file
--feature name Set an emulation feature
--help Help (this text)
--ignore-case Ignore case of symbols
--include-dir dir Set an include directory search path
--listing Create a listing if assembly was ok
--list-bytes n Maximum number of bytes per listing line
--macpack-dir dir Set a macro package directory
--memory-model model Set the memory model
--pagelength n Set the page length for the listing
--smart Enable smart mode
--target sys Set the target system
--verbose Increase verbosity
--version Print the assembler version
<H2><A NAME="ss2.2">2.2</A> <A HREF="ca65.html#toc2.2">Command line options in detail</A>
<P>Here is a description of all the command line options:</P>
<A NAME="option--cpu"></A> </P>
<DT><B><CODE>--cpu type</CODE></B><DD><P>Set the default for the CPU type. The option takes a parameter, which
may be one of</P>
<P>6502, 65SC02, 65C02, 65816, sunplus, sweet16, HuC6280</P>
<P>The sunplus cpu is not available in the freeware version, because the
instruction set is "proprietary and confidential".</P>
<A NAME="option--feature"></A> </P>
<DT><B><CODE>--feature name</CODE></B><DD><P>Enable an emulation feature. This is identical as using <CODE>.FEATURE</CODE>
in the source with two exceptions: Feature names must be lower case, and
each feature must be specified by using an extra <CODE>--feature</CODE> option,
comma separated lists are not allowed.</P>
<P>See the discussion of the <CODE>
<A HREF="ca65-10.html#.FEATURE">.FEATURE</A></CODE>
command for a list of emulation features.</P>
<A NAME="option-g"></A> </P>
<DT><B><CODE>-g, --debug-info</CODE></B><DD><P>When this option (or the equivalent control command <CODE>.DEBUGINFO</CODE>) is
used, the assembler will add a section to the object file that contains
all symbols (including local ones) together with the symbol values and
source file positions. The linker will put these additional symbols into
the VICE label file, so even local symbols can be seen in the VICE
<DT><B><CODE>-h, --help</CODE></B><DD><P>Print the short option summary shown above.</P>
<DT><B><CODE>-i, --ignore-case</CODE></B><DD><P>This option makes the assembler case insensitive on identifiers and labels.
This option will override the default, but may itself be overridden by the
<A HREF="ca65-10.html#.CASE">.CASE</A></CODE> control command.</P>
<DT><B><CODE>-l, --listing</CODE></B><DD><P>Generate an assembler listing. The listing file will always have the
name of the main input file with the extension replaced by ".lst". This
may change in future versions.</P>
<DT><B><CODE>--list-bytes n</CODE></B><DD><P>Set the maximum number of bytes printed in the listing for one line of
input. See the <CODE>
<A HREF="ca65-10.html#.LISTBYTES">.LISTBYTES</A></CODE> directive
for more information. The value zero can be used to encode an unlimited
number of printed bytes.</P>
<DT><B><CODE>--macpack-dir dir</CODE></B><DD><P>This options allows to specify a directory containing macro files that are
used instead of the builtin images when a <CODE>
<A HREF="ca65-10.html#.MACPACK">.MACPACK</A></CODE> directive is encountered. If <CODE>--macpack-dir</CODE>
was specified, a <CODE>.mac</CODE> extension is added to the package name and
the resulting file is loaded from the given directory. This is most useful
when debugging the builtin macro packages.</P>
<DT><B><CODE>-mm model, --memory-model model</CODE></B><DD><P>Define the default memory model. Possible model specifiers are near, far and
<DT><B><CODE>-o name</CODE></B><DD><P>The default output name is the name of the input file with the extension
replaced by ".o". If you don't like that, you may give another name with
the -o option. The output file will be placed in the same directory as
the source file, or, if -o is given, the full path in this name is used.</P>
<DT><B><CODE>--pagelength n</CODE></B><DD><P>sets the length of a listing page in lines. See the <CODE>
<A HREF="ca65-10.html#.PAGELENGTH">.PAGELENGTH</A></CODE> directive for more information.</P>
<DT><B><CODE>-s, --smart-mode</CODE></B><DD><P>In smart mode (enabled by -s or the <CODE>
<A HREF="ca65-10.html#.SMART">.SMART</A></CODE>
pseudo instruction) the assembler will track usage of the <CODE>REP</CODE> and
<CODE>SEP</CODE> instructions in 65816 mode and update the operand sizes
accordingly. If the operand of such an instruction cannot be evaluated by
the assembler (for example, because the operand is an imported symbol), a
warning is issued.</P>
<P>Beware: Since the assembler cannot trace the execution flow this may
lead to false results in some cases. If in doubt, use the .ixx and .axx
instructions to tell the assembler about the current settings. Smart
mode is off by default.</P>
<A NAME="option-t"></A> </P>
<DT><B><CODE>-t sys, --target sys</CODE></B><DD><P>Set the target system. This will enable translation of character strings
and character constants into the character set of the target platform.
The default for the target system is "none", which means that no translation
will take place. The assembler supports the same target systems as the
compiler, see there for a list.</P>
<DT><B><CODE>-v, --verbose</CODE></B><DD><P>Increase the assembler verbosity. Usually only needed for debugging
purposes. You may use this option more than one time for even more
verbose output.</P>
<DT><B><CODE>-D</CODE></B><DD><P>This option allows you to define symbols on the command line. Without a
value, the symbol is defined with the value zero. When giving a value,
you may use the '$' prefix for hexadecimal symbols. Please note
that for some operating systems, '$' has a special meaning, so
you may have to quote the expression.</P>
<DT><B><CODE>-I dir, --include-dir dir</CODE></B><DD><P>Name a directory which is searched for include files. The option may be
used more than once to specify more than one directory to search. The
current directory is always searched first before considering any
additional directories.</P>
<DT><B><CODE>-U, --auto-import</CODE></B><DD><P>Mark symbols that are not defined in the sources as imported symbols. This
should be used with care since it delays error messages about typos and such
until the linker is run. The compiler uses the equivalent of this switch
<A HREF="ca65-10.html#.AUTOIMPORT">.AUTOIMPORT</A></CODE>) to enable auto imported
symbols for the runtime library. However, the compiler is supposed to
generate code that runs through the assembler without problems, something
which is not always true for assembler programmers.</P>
<DT><B><CODE>-V, --version</CODE></B><DD><P>Print the version number of the assembler. If you send any suggestions
or bugfixes, please include the version number.</P>
<A NAME="option-W"></A> </P>
<DT><B><CODE>-Wn</CODE></B><DD><P>Set the warning level for the assembler. Using -W2 the assembler will
even warn about such things like unused imported symbols. The default
warning level is 1, and it would probably be silly to set it to
something lower.</P>
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