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<META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="LinuxDoc-Tools 0.9.20">
<TITLE>cc65 Compiler Intro: Overview</TITLE>
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<A HREF="intro.html#toc1">Contents</A>
<H2><A NAME="s1">1.</A> <A HREF="intro.html#toc1">Overview</A></H2>
<P>This is a short intro of how to use the compiler and the bin-utils. It contains
a step-by-step example of how to build a complete application from one C and
one assembly modules. This file does <EM>not</EM> contain a complete reference for
the tools used in the process. There are separate files describing those tools,
in detail (see
<A HREF="index.html">index.html</A>).</P>
<P>You are assumed to have downloaded and extracted the executables and the
target-specific files. For example: for Windows users targeting C64, you need
<B></B> and <B></B> (or, whatever the
current cc65 version is) extracted to the same directory. If you received the
files as a bzip2 archive (extension <B>.bz2</B>), you will need to get
<A HREF="">the bzip2 package</A>
to decompress it.</P>
<P><B>Note</B>: There is a much simpler way to compile this example, by using the
<B>cl65</B> compile-and-link utility. However, it makes sense to understand how
the separate steps work. How to do the example with the <B>cl65</B> utility is
<A HREF="intro-5.html#using-cl65">later</A>.</P>
<H2><A NAME="ss1.1">1.1</A> <A HREF="intro.html#toc1.1">Before we start</A>
<P>You will find a copy of the sample modules, used in the next section, in the
"<CODE>cc65/samples/tutorial</CODE>" directory. Please make sure that the compiler
and linker can find the include and library files, by setting the environment
variables <CODE>CC65_INC</CODE> and <CODE>CC65_LIB</CODE>, respectively.</P>
<H2><A NAME="ss1.2">1.2</A> <A HREF="intro.html#toc1.2">The sample modules</A>
<P>To explain the development flow, I will use the following example modules:</P>
#include &lt;stdio.h>
#include &lt;stdlib.h>
extern const char text[]; /* In text.s */
int main (void)
printf ("%s\n", text);
.export _text
_text: .asciiz "Hello world!"
<H2><A NAME="ss1.3">1.3</A> <A HREF="intro.html#toc1.3">Translation phases</A>
<P>We assume that the target file should be named "hello", and the target system
is the C64.</P>
| hello.c |
+---------+ +---------+
| hello.s | | text.s |
+---------+ +---------+
| |
ca65 ca65
\/ \/
+---------+ +---------+ +----------+ +---------+
| hello.o | | text.o | | c64.o | | c64.lib |
+---------+ +---------+ +----------+ +---------+
| \ / |
| \ / |
| \ / |
<P><CODE>c64.o</CODE> (the startup code) and <CODE>c64.lib</CODE> (the C64 version of the runtime
and C library) are provided in binary form in the cc65 package.</P>
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