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<TITLE>grc -- GEOS Resource Compiler: Building a GEOS VLIR application</TITLE>
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<H2><A NAME="building-vlir"></A> <A NAME="s5">5.</A> <A HREF="grc.html#toc5">Building a GEOS VLIR application</A></H2>
<P>Currently, you can build VLIR applications only if your code is written in
assembly -- no C code allowed.</P>
<P>In your sources, only the command <CODE>.segment &quot;</CODE><EM>NAME</EM><CODE>&quot;</CODE>
will decide which code/data goes where. File-names don't matter. Segments
<CODE>CODE</CODE>, <CODE>RODATA</CODE>, <CODE>DATA</CODE>, and <CODE>BSS</CODE> go into VLIR part #0. Segment
<CODE>VLIR1</CODE> goes into VLIR part #1, <CODE>VLIR2</CODE> goes into VLIR part #2, and so
<P>The GEOS resource file's contents are similar to
<A HREF="grc-4.html#building-seq">the sequential-file example</A>, but there also is a
<CODE>VLIR</CODE> section and a <CODE>structure VLIR</CODE> tag. Here is that part:
VLIR vlir-head.bin 0x3000 {
vlir-0.bin ; CODE, RODATA, DATA, BSS
vlir-1.bin ; VLIR1
vlir-2.bin ; VLIR2
(Source files are only <CODE>.s</CODE>.)</P>
<P>OK, we have &quot;<CODE>cvthead.grc</CODE>&quot;, so let's allow <B>grc</B> to compile
$ grc cvthead.grc
Now, there are two new files: &quot;<CODE>cvthead.cfg</CODE>&quot; and
&quot;<CODE>cvthead.s</CODE>&quot; -- the first one is a config. file for <B>ld65</B>,
and the second one contains the GEOS <CODE>.cvt</CODE> header. It can be assembled:
$ ca65 -t geos cvthead.s
Now, we have &quot;<CODE>cvthead.o</CODE>&quot;. The rest of the assembly
sources can be assembled:
$ ca65 -t geos vlir0.s
$ ca65 -t geos vlir1.s
$ ca65 -t geos vlir2.s
Note that the file-names here, although similar to those from the
<CODE>VLIR</CODE> section of the <CODE>.grc</CODE> file, are not significant. The only thing
that matters is which code will go into which segment.</P>
<P>Now, we can generate binaries. This time, the order of the arguments on the
command-line is not important.
$ ld65 -C cvthead.cfg vlir1.o cvthead.o vlir0.o vlir2.o
As defined in the <CODE>.grc</CODE> file, we now have the binary parts of the
VLIR file: &quot;<CODE>vlir-head.bin</CODE>&quot;, &quot;<CODE>vlir-0.bin</CODE>&quot;,
&quot;<CODE>vlir-1.bin</CODE>&quot;, and &quot;<CODE>vlir-2.bin</CODE>&quot;.</P>
<P>The last step is to put them together in the right order -- the order of the
arguments <EM>is important</EM> this time! As suggested in the comments at the end
of &quot;<CODE>cvthead.cfg</CODE>&quot;, we do:
$ grc -vlir output.cvt vlir-head.bin vlir-0.bin vlir-1.bin vlir-2.bin
That is the end. The file &quot;<CODE>output.cvt</CODE>&quot; can be
deconverted under GEOS. Note that <CODE>-C cvthead.cfg</CODE> was used on the
<B>ld65</B> command-line instead of the switch <CODE>-t geos</CODE>.</P>
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