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2. Usage

2.1 Command line option overview

The HTML converter accepts the following options:

Usage: ca65html [options] file ...
  --bgcolor c        Use background color c instead of #FFFFFF
  --colorize         Colorize the output (generates non standard HTML)
  --commentcolor c   Use color c for comments instead of #B22222
  --crefs            Generate references to the C source file(s)
  --ctrlcolor c      Use color c for directives instead of #228B22
  --cvttabs          Convert tabs to spaces in the output
  --help             This text
  --htmldir dir      Specify directory for HTML files
  --indexcols n      Use n columns on index page (default 6)
  --indexname file   Use file for the index file instead of index.html
  --indexpage        Create an index page
  --indextitle title Use title as the index title instead of Index
  --keywordcolor c   Use color c for keywords instead of #A020F0
  --linelabels       Generate a linexxx HTML label for each line
  --linenumbers      Add line numbers to the output
  --linkstyle style  Use the given link style
  --replaceext       Replace source extension instead of appending .html
  --textcolor c      Use text color c instead of #000000
  --verbose          Be more verbose

2.2 Command line options in detail

Here is a description of all the command line options:

--bgcolor c

Set the background color. The argument c must be a valid HTML color, usually given as RGB triplet in the form #rrggbb, where r, g and b are the respective red, green and blue parts as two digit hex values. The default is #FFFFFF (white). This color is used in the <body> tag of the generated HTML output.


Colorize the output. The converter outputs processor instructions, assembler control commands and comments in different colors.

While this make the output look very nice, it generates invalid HTML, because using colors in a <pre> environment is not allowed. However, most browsers display it well, and it is used by several other tools, so it's up to you.

--commentcolor c

Set the color used for comments. The argument c must be a valid HTML color, usually given as RGB triplet in the form #rrggbb, where r, g and b are the respective red, green and blue parts as two digit hex values. The default is #B22222 (red).

Note that this option has no effect if --colorize is not also given.


Generate references to the C file, when a .dbg command is found with a file name. The converter assumes that the C source was also converted into HTML (for example by use of c2html), has the name file.c.html, and lives in the same directory as the assembler file. If the .dbg directive specifies a line, a link to the correct line in the C file is generated, using a label in the form linexxx, as it is created by c2html by use of the -n option.

--commentcolor c

Set the color used for assembler control commands. The argument c must be a valid HTML color, usually given as RGB triplet in the form #rrggbb, where r, g and b are the respective red, green and blue parts as two digit hex values. The default is #228B22 (green).

Note that this option has no effect if --colorize is not also given.


Convert tabs in the input into spaces in the output, assuming the standard tab width of 8. This is useful if the --linenumbers option is used to retain the indentation.


Print the command line option summary shown above.

--htmldir dir

Specify an output directory for the generated HTML files.

--indexcols n

Use n columns on the index page. This option has no effect if used without --indexpage.

--indexname name

Use another index file name instead of index.html. This option has no effect if used without --indexpage.


Causes the converter to generate an index page listing all label names and exports found in the converted files.

--indextitle title

Use "title" as the title of the index page. This option has no effect if used without --indexpage.

--keywordcolor c

Set the color used for processor instructions. The argument c must be a valid HTML color, usually given as RGB triplet in the form #rrggbb, where r, g and b are the respective red, green and blue parts as two digit hex values. The default is #A020F0 (purple).

Note that this option has no effect if --colorize is not also given.


Generate a label for each line using the name linexxx where xxx is the number of the line.

Note: The converter will not make use of this label. Use this option if you have other HTML pages referencing the converted assembler file.


Generate line numbers on the left side of the output.

--linkstyle n

Influences the style used when generating links for imports. If n is zero (the default), the converter creates a link to the actual symbol if it is defined somewhere in the input files. If not, it creates a link to the .import statement. If n is one, the converter will always generate a HTML link to .import statement.


Replace the file extension of the input file instead of appending .html when generating the output file name.

--textcolor c

Set the color for normal text. The argument c must be a valid HTML color, usually given as RGB triplet in the form #rrggbb, where r, g and b are the respective red, green and blue parts as two digit hex values. The default is #000000 (black). This color is used in the <body> tag of the generated HTML output.


Increase the converter verbosity. Without this option, ca65html is quiet when working. If you have a slow machine and lots of files to convert, you may like a little bit more progress information.

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